Featured Product

Use this section to display a featured product for a product launch or a best seller.


Set up section

  1. Select a Template to edit from the dropdown menu in the top bar.
  2. In the side panel, click (+) Add section then select Featured product.
  3. If desired, you can change the order of the blocks using the drag and drop handles ⋮⋮
  4. Click the Featured product tab to open its settings.
  5. Add Heading text to add a title; it will appear below the image. Leave it empty to remove it.
  6. Click Select product to select a product.
  7. (Optional) Click Select image on the Custom image option and use the file selector to select an image from your library or upload a new image file. If you don't select a custom image, the first product image will appear. We recommend uploading a custom product image with a transparent background and width of 780px.
  8. Check Show vendor to show the vendor instead of the product name; it will appear below the product price.
  9. Check Show second image on hover to show a second image when the customer hovers over the section.
  10. Click Save.

Note: New sections will appear on all pages that use the same template.


Set up section

  1. Select a Template to edit from the dropdown menu in the top bar.
  2. In the side panel, click (+) Add section the select Featured product.
  3. If desired, you can change the order of the blocks using the drag and drop handles ⋮⋮
  4. Click the Featured product tab to open its settings.
  5. Click Select product to select the product you want to feature.
  6. If desired, you can partially overlay your thumbnails on the main hero image. To enable, check Overlap thumbnails.
  7. To change the background and text color, use the Color scheme dropdown. 
  8. If desired, you can allow customers to zoom images on hover. To enable, check Enable image zoom.
  9. If you want product videos to autoplay, check Autoplay video.
    1. This is only recommended for videos without audio. Due to browser policies, all videos that autoplay are muted. Learn more.
  10. Click Save.

This section contains eight blocks: Selling features, Text, Title, Price, Variant picker, Countdown timer, Buy buttons, and Custom Liquid.

  1. Click on a block to open its settings.
    • Click + Add block to add a new block.
    • Click Remove block to delete a block, or use the eye icon to hide a block.
  2. To add the product’s promo tags and product ratings, add the Selling features block.
    1. To learn how to enable promo tags please visit the Badges and Promotional Tags article.
    2. Check Show product rating to display a rating. You will also need to install a product review app. Please visit the Product Ratings article to learn more.
    3. If desired, use the slider to change the Font size.
  3. To display the vendor name or product short description add the Text block.
    1. To show the vendor name instead of a short description, check Show vendor. You can edit the vendor name for every product in your Shopify Admin.
    2. If desired, add a Vendor link.
    3. If you prefer to show the product's short description, add text to the Short description field.
    4. If desired, use the slider to change the Font size.
  4. To display the product title, add the Title block.
    1. If desired, use the slider to change the Font size.
  5. To display the product price, add the Price block.
    1. If desired, use the slider to change the Font size.
  6. To display available product options (e.g. Color or Size) with selectable variants add the Variant picker block. To learn more about the different types of variant pickers and their settings please refer to the Variant Picker article.
  7. To display an Add to Cart button, add the Buy buttons block.
    1. If desired, check Show stock status. The product must have inventory tracking enabled for this feature to work.

      • Set a Low stock threshold to show a low stock message when the available quantity reaches this quantity.
      • If desired, add a Featured message to display text such as your return policy or shipping time.
    2. If desired, check Show dynamic checkout buttons to display other available payment methods such as PayPal or Apple Pay. Payment options will display dynamically based on the users device and browser. Visit Shopify's documentation on this feature to learn more.
    3. To allow customers to select a unit quantity greater than one, check Show quantity selector.
  8. If desired, add the Countdown timer block. You can use this tool to create urgency around an event or sale. Note: To display timer, you must add Metafield definition. Learn more.
    1. The default placeholder text in the Heading field is 'Sale ends in'. If desired, you may change this text or leave this field empty to remove it entirely.
    2. To adjust the block font size, use the Font size slider.
    3. Use the Color scheme dropdown to change the background color and text of the countdown timer.
  9. Click Save.
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