Featured Collection

This section displays a row of products from a collection.

Set up section

  1. Select a Template to edit from the dropdown menu in the top bar.
  2. In the side panel, click (+) Add section and select Featured collection.
  3. Change the order of your sections by using the drag and drop handles ⋮⋮
  4. Click Featured collection tab to open the settings.
  5. Add Heading text to a title to the section, this will appear at the top of the section. You can leave this field empty if you want to remove it.
  6. Click Select collection on Collection option to choose the collection, when you select a collection the products of the collection will appear in a row layout, the number of cards will depend of the settings that you set previously in the option Products per row on Theme settings > Layout see more info
  7. Check Enable "View all" to show a button that links to all the products contained in the collection, this button will appear in case the collection has more products than shown.
  8. Click Save.
Note: New sections will appear on all pages that use the same template.

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