Product Siblings

Product siblings are a new feature available in Honey 5.0.0 and later.

Product siblings allow you to set up variants as individual products. This setup can be beneficial for merchants with a limited catalog of products or products with many variants. It allows you to show all product variants on one collection page for easy browsing, while keeping those variants linked together on one product page.

Each product sibling has its own images and product details. Siblings are displayed as variant swatches that link to separate product pages. On the Collection page, product siblings are displayed as individual products.

Step 1: Create individual products

In your Shopify Admin, create the individual products you want to link together as product siblings. We recommend using the same title for all products and including a subtitle that includes the name of each option (eg. Color) for consistency. For example, you could use Hardcover Notebook | Pink Gradient and Hardcover Notebook | Teal Gradient where each product represents one color.

Pro tip: Create one product and then duplicate it, changing only the the title and the product images to stay consistent and save time.

Product siblings example

Step 2: Add products to a siblings collection

Group all product siblings into a collection in your Shopify Admin:

  1. Go to Products > Collections and click Create collection.
  2. Add the desired Title to the collection. By default, your sibling collection will appear on the Collection list page, to hide it add [Hide] at the beginning of the title, and the collection will be automatically hidden from the Collection list page. For example, if the name of the collection is 'Hardcover Notebook Siblings' change it to '[Hide] Hardcover Notebook Siblings' to hide it on the Collection list page.
  3. Under the Collection type section, select Manual to manually add your sibling products to the collection.
  4. Click Save.

Step 3: Create sibling Metafields

Once all sibling products are added to a collection, the next step is create two product Metafields to connect the products.

Note: You only need to create sibling metafields once. If you have already created them, skip this step and jump to Add content to siblings Metafields.

3a. Define a metafield for sibling collection handle

  1. Go to Settings > Custom data.
  2. Click the Products tab.
  3. Click Add definition in the top-right.
  4. Add 'Sibling collection handle' in the Name field. You must use this exact name for the feature to work.
  5. In the Namespace and key field, replace the word 'custom' for 'theme.' The text should look exactly like this theme.sibling_collection_handle
  6. Click (+) Select type.
  7. Under the Text group select Single line text.
  8. Click Save.

3b. Define a metafield for sibling option value

  1. Go to Settings > Custom data.
  2. Click the Products tab.
  3. Click Add definition in the top-right.
  4. Add 'Sibling option value' in the Name field. You must use this exact name for the feature to work.
  5. In the Namespace and key field, replace the word 'custom' for 'theme.' The text should look exactly like this theme.sibling_option_value
  6. Click (+) Select type.
  7. Under the Text group select Single line text.
  8. Click Save.

[how to add to filter]

Step 4: Add content to sibling Metafields

4a. Sibling collection handle

  1. On your Shopify Admin, go to Collections and select the collection you created previously for sibling products.
  2. On Search engine listing section, click the Edit link.
  3. On the URL handle field, select and copy the entire handle at the end of the field.
  4. Go to Products and open a sibling product.
  5. Scroll down to the Metafields section.
  6. Click the Sibling collection handle metafield and paste the collection handle. Repeat this step for all sibling products in the same collection.

4b. Sibling option value

  1. Click the Sibling option value metafield and add the text for the swatch label. For example 'Pink Gradient' or 'Teal Gradient' .
  2. Click Save.

Repeat these steps for each product in your siblings collection.

Step 5: Add sibling block to the product page

After create the sibling collection and add the metafields value to each sibling product the final step is to add the Siblings block to your product page.

  1. Select the Product Template you want to edit from the dropdown menu in the top bar, Products > [Product template name].
  2. Click on the Siblings block to open the block settings.
    • If the Siblings block doesn’t exist, you can add it. In the side panel, under the Product Information section, click (+) Add block and select the Siblings block.
  3. If desired, you can change the order of your blocks by using the drag and drop handles ⋮⋮
  4. Add Sibling option name you want to use, for example, Color, Cover type etc.
  5. Click the Dynamic source button next to the Sibling option value field.
  6. Select the Metafield that you previously created 'Sibling option value'.
  7. Click the Dynamic source button next to the Sibling collection handle field.
  8. Select the Metafield that you previously created 'Sibling collection handle'.
  9. Click Save.
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