Rich Text

This section displays a complementary text with a heading and custom layout, use this section to talk about your brand, describe a product, or welcome customers to your store. 

Set up section

Add this section to any template (except Checkout) and re-order its position. You can use this section multiple times on the same page with different content and settings.

  1. Select a Template to edit from the dropdown menu in the top bar.
  2. In the side panel, click (+) Add section and select Rich text.
  3. Change the order of your sections by using the drag and drop handles ⋮⋮
  4. Click Rich text to open the settings.
  5. Select the Alignment option that you want between Left, Center, and Right. This aligns the Heading and content text to the selected option. 
  6. Click Save.

The Rich text section has two blocks one for the Heading and another for the Text.

  1. Click the Heading block to change the section title.
  2. Click the Text block to change the text.
  3. Change the order of your blocks by using the drag and drop handles ⋮⋮
  4. Click Save.
Note: New sections will appear on all pages that use the same template.

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